Black Lives Matter

BLM Blog 6.11.2020 Header.png


We have been painfully reminded yet again that racial injustice remains a sad part of the fiber of American life, especially for those who are its victims.

Racism is systemic; it is the height of cruelty and too often those who suffer from its effects cannot defend themselves.  As Americans, we will never have the kind of society to which we aspire until discrimination, racial injustice, and systemic racism are addressed and eliminated.

As music educators, we must pledge ourselves to supporting the rights of all persons and to modeling that support consistently to our students, our school community, and to each other.  It is no longer enough to acknowledge and give lip service to these principles; we must actively pursue them and diligently work toward the day when racism in all its forms is only a sad part of our history.

We, as members of GMEA, are part of a family of diverse individuals who share common ambitions and goals to provide outstanding music education opportunities for our students.  As members of this diverse family, we must actively reflect, recognize, and react to the injustices experienced by our brothers and sisters in the Black community.  By doing so, as a community, we will be able to achieve the common goals we set for ourselves and our students and be the change agents our world so desperately needs.  

-Carl Rieke, GMEA President; Brittney Boykin, GMEA Multi-Cultural Awareness Chair; Cecil Wilder, GMEA Executive Director